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-- 8/1/2020 - Because of the ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic, the 2020-2021 school year will look very different. However, the KWMS Orchestra staff are committed to providing the best possible music education to our students regardless of the circumstances. Please check back for updates regarding the KWMS Orchestra Program. If at any time you have questions or concerns, please email Mr. Botwinski at Thank you for your patience and flexibility. We can't wait to come together and make music again!


-- 10/15/19 - Congratulations to the students selected for the ILMEA District 9 Orchestra Festvial and those selected to participate in the U-46 Honors Orchestra! 

-- 8/11/19 - You will NOT need to bring your instrument on the first day of School. Just bring yourself and get ready for a great year of learning!


-- 7/17/19 - KWMS Back to School Bash is August 6th from 1:00-7:00pm. If you'd like, bring in your instrument to be tuned so you can get some end-of-summer practicing in before the new school year!

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